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P.2 Science Day

We had a super day today in school.  Primary 1 to Primary 4 were involved in Science activities during the day.  In Primary 2 we looked at putting food colouring in water with white and pink carnations and we are watching to see what will happen over time.  We also looked at the different beaks that birds have and tried to work out which food was easier to catch with each beak.  Some of the children made marble runs and others went on a bug hunt.  We did not get all our activities finished between break and lunch today so we are hoping to work on at these tomorrow.  In the afternoon we did a 'Dancing Raisin' experiment and later added other food to our lemonade, other than raisins.  The white rice added some fun when the lemonade exploded over the top of the glass and generated a great response.  Hopefully, everyone had a super day!
