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Useful Information


School Dinners currently cost £2.60 (Nursery Dinners cost £2.50) and meals can be booked from the Friday afternoon for the week ahead via School Money.  

Any queries or amendments needed please contact the School Office 02890 704822


Dinner Menu for Winter 2024/2025



The idea of break is to give the children an opportunity to 'let off steam' during a busy morning.  It is not intended as a mid-morning meal and we would appeal that if children bring something to eat and drink that it should be minimal and be something healthy rather than sweets, chocolate, biscuits etc. 


Through our Healthy Eating Policy we encourage water, fruit juices and non-carbonated drinks instead.  In view of the increasing number of children with life threatening allergies we have made Orangefield a “Nut Free Zone”.  




The children must wear appropriate kit for PE sessions.

From P1-P3 the children change their school footwear, putting on guttees. 


In P4-P7 the children change into full PE kit.

This must be:

- a white polo shirt

- black/navy track bottoms/shorts or leggings

- suitable trainers.




Parents are permitted to drive into the school grounds to drop off or pick up their children.  Parking spots are limited and drivers must leave the premises again if a space cannot be found.  Extreme care should be taken at all times when driving in the school grounds.


Please remember when parking on the streets around the school that residents must be able to get in and out of their driveways.  The residents are extremely tolerant of traffic around the school and it is hoped we can all appreciate their difficulties.  Please also keep the front gates of the school clear at all times.


The Principal, generally, is available at any time to discuss your child's progress etc, but it would be appreciated if an appointment could be made, when possible.


During the year  teachers make arrangements  for  'formal' discussions with parents of

all children in their classes and normally there is virtually a 100% response to these opportunities.  Should you however want to talk to the class teacher about your child's progress etc on other occasions, this can be arranged.  A note to the class teacher is usually sufficient. 


Apart from the above meetings please consult the Principal before attempting to interview a teacher, bearing in mind that a class cannot be left unsupervised.



Please encourage your child to respect and care for any books or equipment which may have come home from school.  If books need to be backed, please see that this is done.  Try to discourage the popular misconception that there is such a thing as "free books".


It is normal practice to make a charge should a child lose a book which has to be replaced -  see charging and remissions policy.



If you have a message for a teacher please write it down.

Please try to avoid coming to speak to a teacher in person first thing in the morning unless unavoidable or essential.

If your child is bringing money to school, put it in an envelope or purse, with a note saying what it is for. 



All items which can become separated from your child should be labelled with his/her name. Each child must take responsibility for his/her own property as the school will not be held responsible for any items which may go missing.  In the same context, children should be discouraged from bringing valuable items of jewellery etc to school.  This includes mobile phones.  If a child needs to phone home urgently this can be facilitated in the school office.


Mr Cousley is our school's Parent and Community Coordinator. This role involves improving links and developing and improving communication with both parents and the community.

The role includes being responsible for:

- parent communication, including our text message service;

- developing opportunities for parental involvement within school life;

- linking with PTA

- developing opportunities for outside agencies, coaches and clubs;

- charities and fundraising;

- school website;

- improving links with other schools and community groups.


If you have any suggestions, ideas or views on current school life or potential opportunities, please feel free to contact Mr Cousley by email.
