Orangefield is a friendly, happy and caring school. We are committed to the well-being and holistic development off all children, instilling enthusiasm and self confidence and developing each child’s academic and personal potential. Our pupils are taught in stimulating, safe and inspiring surroundings, which promote a positive environment where sound teaching and learning can take place. High standards in Literacy and Numeracy are developed through effective teaching, positive participation and high expectations. We believe our school is welcoming, inclusive and we strive to maintain strong partnerships with families, governors and the wider community.
Orangefield Primary School endeavours to be innovative and progressive in pursuit of raising standards and achievements for all. Our pupils will be self confident, well mannered, responsible citizens. They will be motivated to succeed and develop a life-long love of learning. We will equip them with the skills and the flexibility to respect and adapt to an ever-changing world. Each child will develop their unique talents and learn to make healthy choices to lead a happy, fulfilled life.
We place strong emphasis on the value of home/school contact. We are fully committed to the view, that it is only through the full co-operation of home and school that your child can derive the fullest benefit from his/her Primary schooling.
Our general aim at Orangefield is to provide a secure, caring, happy and stimulating environment in which the potential of every child may be realised.
Our particular objectives are:
1. To implement the N I Curriculum (2007) as required by The Department of Education.
2. To deliver the required curriculum as related to each child’s individual needs ensuring a steady progression from Primary 1 to Primary 7.
3. To seek and encourage co-operation with parents as a partnership of home and school to achieve the highest potential of the children.
4. To encourage and stimulate curiosity, understanding and appreciation of the environment and to provide a properly structured programme to ensure acquisition of essential skills and knowledge.
5. To foster a secure school community through good order and discipline.
6. To promote personal effectiveness through good social skills, concern for others, punctuality, honesty and courtesy leading to self-fulfilment through community service.
7. To help children develop good attitudes to health and to equip them with a wide range of physical skills.
8 To help children use language and number effectively.
9. To help children understand the world in which they live and the interdependence of individuals, groups, nations and the environment.
10. To help children develop a sense of self-respect and awareness of their roles and value in the school and society in general.
11. To enrich children's experiences by providing opportunities to take part in supervised educational visits.
12. To help children understand the multicultural nature of society, to promote respect for those with different religions, beliefs and ways of life and to develop attitudes opposed to discrimination against any person or group on grounds of socio-economic background, creed, ethnic origin or sex.
13. To foster community involvement at all levels.
14. To encourage the children to think of disadvantaged people and provide an opportunity for pupils to actively help others through charitable acts.
15. To provide through efficient management of school resources for the implementation of the objectives above.