We believe that your child's participation in extra-curricular activities is vital to his/her primary education. We therefore try to offer a wide and varied range of clubs and societies in the hope that each child may obtain fulfilment from co-operation with other children and a greater sense of belonging to an interesting school environment in the less formal atmosphere of after-school activities.
Clubs for 2023/2024
being updated
Please encourage your child to take full advantage of these activities. Each could have an important part to play in building your child's confidence and so helping to develop the personality. It must be noted however that teacher-run after-school activities are not available to children until at least Primary 4 and in some cases not until P6 or P7. We are continually looking for opportunities to provide younger children with clubs and activities. We will inform you of any opportunities for clubs organised by outside agencies during the year.
We aim to provide as many opportunites for our pupils as possible, both in sporting and non-sporting areas. We currently have various coaches and tutors coming into school to assist with provision including sessions during school and after school clubs.
The P3's and P4's have weekly Fundamental Movement Skills and Football coaching sessions throughout the year from an IFA coach.
Active Communities Sport
P5-P7 have had blocks of coaching during the year from Cricket and Tennis coaches.
After-School Clubs
The pupils have a wide variety of opportunities over the year to get involved in after-school clubs run by outside agencies. We currently have courses including, Bricks4kids, Clayrazy, Galaxy Football and Dodgeball, Tennis, Golftastic, Table Tennis, Miniversity Computers, and Kayaking.