Before & After Schools Care
"Breakfast Club" operates for children from Nursery to P7 from 8.00 am until the school day starts. Breakfast Club is £3.50 per day and can be booked through the School Money App and payment must be made by the Sunday night prior to the week it is required.
Breakfast Club is supervised by Orangefield Primary School support staff.
'Club Connect' operates for children from Nursery to Year 7 between the hours of 1.30 pm - 5.00 pm from Monday - Thursday and 1.30 pm to 3pm on Fridays at £4.50 per hour.
Club Connect is supervised by Orangefield Primary School support staff.
Children are offered a healthy snack on arrival. During Club Connect the children enjoy a range of activities including: construction, art and craft, board games, jigsaws etc. When possible, the outdoor area will also be used to offer a range of physical activities. Homework is not completed during this time.
Club Connect operates during term time only, excluding Staff Development Days and early closures.
After school care can be booked through the School Money App and payment must be made by the Sunday night prior to the week it is required.
Any queries or amendments needed to either Club please contact the School Office on 02890 704822